
Jayden was able to make a 3D and 2D shape.  She is beginning to identify the vertices, edges and faces of the 3D shape

This video was written, directed and made by Jayden.  It is about the 10 New Zealand nurses who were murdered by a German U-boat.  They were aboard 'The Marquette', a boat heading to help injured at Gallipoli.

 Symmetry art
Calculating area and perimeter

Jayden demonstrating her knowledge of improper and proper fractions

Length activity "I can correctly measure a range of sized snakes and then add them together.  We know the difference between the long and short snakes."

Each class member participated in an experiment that used a variety of mathematical concepts.  This was an experiment out of Figure it Out Level 3/4 called 'Candle Trials'.  Children got to...

-Use a timer to identify how many seconds it takes for a candle to go out once a jar is place over top of it.
-Fill jars with water and estimate and measure the capacity
-Work out the average time it took for candles to burn out
-Compare the time taken to the capacity of the container
-Make predictions about the time it would take to burn a candle in another container (i.e. 2000 mls)

Everybody enjoyed this hands on experiment.

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